Proposed Merger with Beacon Medical Centre

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Tell us what you think about this proposal

We have written to all households with patients registered at Dr A Kumar Surgery to personally inform them of the proposed merger of Beacon Medical and Dr Kumar, who is based at Beacon Medical Centre.

It is important that patients let us know what they think about this proposal as their views will be taken into account by NHS England and North East Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group when they decide whether to approve the proposed merger.

If approved, the merger will take place on 1 April 2020.

We are holding four informal open patient engagement events where representatives of both practices will be available to answer your questions:

  • Wednesday, 30 October 1800-1900hrs Beacon Medical
  • Thursday, 31 October 1300-1400hrs Dr Kumar’s surgery, Stirling Medical Centre
  • Wednesday, 6 November 1300-1400hrs Beacon Medical
  • Thursday, 7 November 1800-1900hrsDr Kumar’s surgery, Stirling Medical Centre

Members of our patient participation group will also be available at these events if you prefer to speak to them rather than practice representatives.

If you are unable to come to one of these open events and would like to express your opinion, please write (by 30 November) to: FREEPOST, NELCCG ENGAGEMENT, giving answers to the questions below:

Do you support the proposed merger of Beacon Medical with Dr Kumar’s surgery? Yes/No/No preference

In respect of the plans outlined, please give your views and any queries or concerns you have.

Please indicate whether you are currently registeredBeacon Medical or Dr Kumar

This page will be kept up to date as more information is available – please check it regularly.

Questions from patients at open events

Q: If a patient has tried, unsuccessfully, to get an appointment at the Stirling Street site, what happens if they telephone the Beacon Medical site – will Dr Kumar’s patients be taking all the Beacon appointments?

A: If a patient phones either site, the information will be logged on their record so that if they then phone the other site we will know what they’ve been told and will not be giving different advice or options. We are not expecting any change to appointment availability at either site as a result of the merger.

Q: If I’m currently registered at Beacon Medical, but it would be more convenient for me to be seen at Stirling Street. Can I go there instead once the practices have merged?

A: Yes, you will have the choice as to which site you go to, but we expect most patients will choose to continue to be seen at the site they are currently registered at.

Feedback from the merger with Beacon Medical and Dr Kumar (PDF Document)